Listening Therapies

  • The Tomatis Method®

  • Forbrain® Listening Device

  • Soundsory Program®

These therapeutic systems use specifically selected and engineered music to help children (and adults!) fine-tune their ears and their brain

With each new experience or sensation, the human brain asks “am I safe?” One of the foundations of safety is predictability, and so the nervous system stores memories and references to the past, essentially recalling “I know from past experiences that this sensation in the environment is safe.”

However, for various reasons, children (or adults) develop auditory processing disorders – and they can't understand what they hear in the same way others do.

Listening Therapies are a very powerful way to assist the nervous system in healing from the auditory processing issues as well as other sensory integration issues.

These Listening Therapies – The Tomatis Method, Forbrain and Soundsory – use specifically selected and engineered music to help both children (and adults) fine-tune their ears and their brain. In so doing, a sense of security in perceptions and reactions is established. The nervous system basically says, “my ears are working efficiently enough so that I will be able to determine the source of a sound in order to keep me safe.” 

During a typical Listening Therapy Session

A child will listen to a prepared recording via headphones. Specifically engineered music is used to facilitate efficiency in the child’s hearing across all frequencies and re-establish balance between the two ears.

Benefits of this Listening Therapy may include…

  • Development of motor, emotional and cognitive skills

  • Improved language skills

  • Improved social skills

  • Improved sense of presence

  • Improved self expression and voice prosody (rhythm, tempo, volume)

  • Enhanced creativity, musical and vocal skills

  • Relaxation and well-being

I can help choose the best program for you or your child. Please contact me for a complementary consultation.

“My son completely turned around his behavior.”

“My child came to sessions with Sarah afraid to interact with children in his classroom. He remained on the periphery of the class. He would also tantrum during times when his performance at school was not up to his expectations. After several months of occupational therapy including a home program of Tomatis music therapy my son completely turned around his behavior. He interacted with the other children, was not so quick to tantrum when he was challenged in his work. Similarly his innate curiosity and creativity blossomed.” – Mother and Flamenco Dancer